Will He clear me a path through the river? Will He calm the raging storm? Will He cast off my burden of sin? He will do this and so much more! Will He all of my diseases? Will He deliver me out of harms way? Will He be my refuge and fortress? He will do this and more today CHORUS He will do it today because He’s done it before He will be there for me when I’m losing the war He will bring victory in the midst of the storm He will do all of this and so much more Will He guide me through valleys of doubt? Will He light up the darkness in me? Will He wash me was white as snow? He will do this for you and for me CHORUS BRIDGE He will shut lion’s mouths, open up prison doors He will part rivers wide, knock down the walls He will be in the furnace, He will be in the flood He will stop up the rain and then start it again He will die on a cross to take all your sin He will roll back the stone and rise again I will praise Him (Repeat 4 times) CHORUS

He Will Do This
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