You'll Never Leave My Side

You’ll Never Leave My Side

 If I climb the highest mountain or cross the valley low
 I know that you’ll be with me wherever I may go
 If I travel cross the ocean to a land far way
 I know that you’ll be there to guide me on my way
 If I dive into the depths of the deepest sea
 I know you’ll go before me and meet my every need
 If I travel to the stars or walk upon the moon
 You’ll never leave my side because it says so in your word
 You’ll never leave my side.  You’ll never leave my side
 When I’m troubled, you are there to guide me through
 You’ll never leave my side.  You’ll always lead and guide
 If I will merely take the time to listen to you.
 Even though I seem to walk through shadows at times
 I know you’re right there with me, beside me all the time
 Even though the clouds my seem to block out all the light
 I know you’ll be victorious in every single fight
 You’re there when I am lonely
 You’re there when I’m in pain
 You’re there when I have fallen down to pick me up again
 You’re there in deepest sorrow
 You’re there when I have failed
 You’re there when I am far away to bring me back again
 You’ll never leave my side.  You’ll never leave my side
 When I’m troubled, you are there to guide me through
 You’ll never leave my side.  You’ll always lead and guide
 If I will merely take the time to listen to you 

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