I'm fighting an enemy I can't see My mind and my flesh fight against me I'm tossed about like a ship in the sea I need someone to rescue me Why is it so hard to walk the straight path Without the trials and tests that I have Why can’t there be a peace that will last When these storms seem to always come back I pick up your word and look for the light You say don't be anxious amidst the fight Just pray and give thanks in the darkest nights That's when my peace will erase your plight So, I bow my head and fall on my knees I surrender to you, Lord, and I ask you please Take this storm away and rescue me Out of the harsh and wind tossed seas You say my child I will rescue you But this storm is one that you must go through You’ll be amazed at what I will do When all is done it will strengthen you Then I lift my hands and I give Him praise For I know there’s a light at the end of this day This battle is one where He’ll make a way And this enemy will go away
Rescue Me
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