Tag Archives: Calvary

The Beauty of the Cross

The Beauty of the Cross

 It stands there so stately at the front of the church 
 Clean and lit up for all to see
 We look to that cross and sing all our hymns 
 The Old Rugged Cross and Amazing Grace
 But we don't see the agony, the heartache and pain
 That was nailed to that cross on that fateful day
 We think the cross is pretty and clean
 But the cross that He bore was deadly and mean
 We think of mercy and grace so sweet
 We think of love and forgiveness of sin
 We often forget the suffering and loss 
 The blood is the real beauty of the cross
 The blood that was shed from His hands and His feet 
 The blood that dropped down from the thorns on His head 
 The blood that poured out from the scars on His back
 His blood shed for me was the beauty of the cross
 The blood shed for healing 
 The blood shed for me
 The blood shed for salvation 
 His glorious blood 
 The blood of my Savior
 The blood of my Lord 
 The blood of God's son
 Given for us.
 We think of mercy and grace so sweet
 We think of love and forgiveness of sin
 We often forget the suffering and loss 
 The blood is the real beauty of the cross
 The blood that was shed from His hands and His feet 
 The blood that dropped down from the thorns on His head 
 The blood that poured out from the scars on His back
 His blood shed for me was the beauty of the cross