Tag Archives: Christian lyrics

You'll Never Leave My Side

You’ll Never Leave My Side

 If I climb the highest mountain or cross the valley low
 I know that you’ll be with me wherever I may go
 If I travel cross the ocean to a land far way
 I know that you’ll be there to guide me on my way
 If I dive into the depths of the deepest sea
 I know you’ll go before me and meet my every need
 If I travel to the stars or walk upon the moon
 You’ll never leave my side because it says so in your word
 You’ll never leave my side.  You’ll never leave my side
 When I’m troubled, you are there to guide me through
 You’ll never leave my side.  You’ll always lead and guide
 If I will merely take the time to listen to you.
 Even though I seem to walk through shadows at times
 I know you’re right there with me, beside me all the time
 Even though the clouds my seem to block out all the light
 I know you’ll be victorious in every single fight
 You’re there when I am lonely
 You’re there when I’m in pain
 You’re there when I have fallen down to pick me up again
 You’re there in deepest sorrow
 You’re there when I have failed
 You’re there when I am far away to bring me back again
 You’ll never leave my side.  You’ll never leave my side
 When I’m troubled, you are there to guide me through
 You’ll never leave my side.  You’ll always lead and guide
 If I will merely take the time to listen to you 
The Beauty of the Cross

The Beauty of the Cross

 It stands there so stately at the front of the church 
 Clean and lit up for all to see
 We look to that cross and sing all our hymns 
 The Old Rugged Cross and Amazing Grace
 But we don't see the agony, the heartache and pain
 That was nailed to that cross on that fateful day
 We think the cross is pretty and clean
 But the cross that He bore was deadly and mean
 We think of mercy and grace so sweet
 We think of love and forgiveness of sin
 We often forget the suffering and loss 
 The blood is the real beauty of the cross
 The blood that was shed from His hands and His feet 
 The blood that dropped down from the thorns on His head 
 The blood that poured out from the scars on His back
 His blood shed for me was the beauty of the cross
 The blood shed for healing 
 The blood shed for me
 The blood shed for salvation 
 His glorious blood 
 The blood of my Savior
 The blood of my Lord 
 The blood of God's son
 Given for us.
 We think of mercy and grace so sweet
 We think of love and forgiveness of sin
 We often forget the suffering and loss 
 The blood is the real beauty of the cross
 The blood that was shed from His hands and His feet 
 The blood that dropped down from the thorns on His head 
 The blood that poured out from the scars on His back
 His blood shed for me was the beauty of the cross
Your Loving Plan

God Knows

 When the rain seems to fall within and without
 Or the pain is so bad you just want to shoot 
 When life just seems to kick you around
 God knows 
 When friends all around you are leaving your side 
 And loneliness seems to always abide 
 When your feeling restless and just want to hide 
 God knows 
 God knows your hurting
 God knows your pain
 God sees your heartache 
 He understands 
 Call out to Jesus. Tell Him your need 
 He will be there to give you peace
 When life seems to deal one final blow 
 And you’re feeling down with no place to go
 Just lift up your face to the one who knows
 Lift up your hands to the one who knows
 Lift up your eyes to the one who knows
 God knows.  God knows.  God knows 
 God knows your hurting
 God knows your pain
 God sees your heartache 
 He understands 
 Call out to Jesus. Tell Him your need 
 He will be there to give you peace

Jesus Christ Forevermore

 My heart is in your hand Lord
 My feet at your command
 Held me understand
 Your will and your plan
 My spirit longs for you
 In everything I do
 Let me life be true
 As I worship you
 Sing hosanna in the highest
 Singh hosanna to the Lord
 With your whole heart lift His praises
 Jesus Christ forevermore
 My mind and soul seek mercy
 Ever since you found me
 I am far from worthy
 Of your grace and mercy
 Help me, Lord, please help me
 Help me find my way
 Through this earthly vessel
 To your kingdom’s gates
 I can’t do it by myself
 I need help every day
 I can always count on your
 To extend your grace
 Sing hosanna in the highest
 Singh hosanna to the Lord
 With your whole heart lift His praises
 Jesus Christ forevermore 
His Great Love For Me

His Great Love For Me

 I don’t know why He loves me but He does
 I don’t know why He cares, but He cares
 I don’t know why He heals but He heals
 I don’t know why His plans He reveals
 I don’t know why He saved me but He did
 I don’t know why He died, but He lives
 I don’t know why He came to this earth
 I don’t know why he gave me new birth
 It’s His love for me, that came down for me
 From that heavenly home to set me free
 It’s His sacrifice on that lonely tree
 That showed His great love for me
 I don’t know what he gives me this great hope
 Or why he gave me peace so I could cope
 I don’t know why His joy has filled my soul
 His mercy is a thrill to behold
 He took the stripes and He took the scars
 The crown of thorns and the wounded heart
 He took the nails in His hands and feet
 All for me.  All for me
 It’s His love for me, that came down for me
 From that heavenly home to set me free
 It’s His sacrifice on that lonely tree
 That showed His great love for me