Tag Archives: needing Jesus

Suno – I Depend On You

I have been using Suno lately to record some of my songs. Suno takes my lyrics and puts music to them through AI software. I think it is pretty amazing stuff.

I wrote the attached Lyrics yesterday morning and used this software to create what I think is a pretty nice song. I’d love your thoughts about it. The name fo the song is “I Depend On You.” Here are the Lyrics

I am strong when I am weak
I am rich when I am poor
I am healed when I am sick
When I depend on You

I have faith when doubts arise
I have peace when storms surround
I have joy when sorrow comes
When I depend on You

Jesus, you are all I need
When trouble comes, I fall on my knees
Jesus. you are all I need
So, I depend on You

I feel safe when trouble falls
I feel love when hate is shown
I feel warm when life is cold
When I depend on you


I depend on you every hour
I depend on you every day
I depend on you in every way
Jesus, I depend on you

I pray this song blesses you this morning. I hope to get back into updating this site more often, but feel free to visit my other web sites listed in the menu on the home page.

I pray you are blessed today!

Fix It Right

I wish I had a Rolex watch because it’s simply the best.   For decades they have been the premier watch in all the world. The Swiss have always been excellent watchmakers.  For some reason, it had been in their gene pool for centuries. A Rolex watch symbolizes all that is of the highest quality. 

If I did have a Rolex, and something happened to it that needed repair, I would be foolish to take it to any watchmaker.  I would want to take it back to Rolex, the ones who crafted it and perfected it in the first place.  They would know how best to fix it so the time would once again be accurate, and I could once again trust my watch to fulfill that area in my life it was meant to fulfill.

I wish I had a Mercedes Benz sports car because it’s simply the best. For decades they have been the premier vehicle in all the world. The Germans have always been excellent at making high quality vehicles. Foe some reason, it has been in their gene pool for centuries. A Mercedes symbolizes all that is of the highest quality. 

If I did have a Mercedes, and something happened to it that needed repair, I would be foolish to take it to any auto repair place. I would want to take it to a certified Mercedes mechanic, the ones who crafted it and perfected it in the first place. They would know how best to fix it so the engine would once again run smoothly, and I could once again trust my car to fulfill that area in my life it was meant to fulfill.

If I was going to travel the countryside in a motor home year long, I would want a Winnebago. Manufactured just 35 minutes from where I live, they are simply the best in the world.  I have been through their factory, and have watch the care and precision that goes into each vehicle.  The best of everything.

If my Winnebago broke down, I would not want to take it for repair to just anyone. I would want to find out where the nearest Winnebago certified technician was located and get it to them.   They would best know exactly what was needed to fix the problem and get me on my merry way.

I am much more valuable than a Rolex.  The working mechanism within my body is much more intricate, and it has to last me for 70, 80, 90 or even 100 years.  Mt DNA is woven together in such a way that makes me, me.  My circulatory and respiratory systems are a science wonder, and my eye is a marvelous instrument that no scientist can match.

I am of much higher quality than a Mercedes. The materials that made me might be the equivalent of dirt in this world, but they are all fashioned and framed to make a completely individual person. There is no one like me in all the world.  I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

My ability to take in all that is around me is much more than a Winnebago’s ability to travel everywhere. My eyes, ears, mouth and nose see, hear, taste and smell all the uniqueness that this world has to offer.  These senses teach me what I like and dislike.   They guide me through this world every day, leading me to the good thing in life, and keeping me from danger.

When I had cancer, I chose to go to the best place in the nation for my type of cancer. The University of Iowa, just 3 hours away, was just that. They had the best long range remission rates of anyone in the nation. I wanted to be healed, not just treated. I wanted the cancer gone, not just in remission. And that is what I received. 

When my life seems to be going the wrong direction, or when I get depressed or discouraged why do I go to someone else who may have the same problem?  Why not go to the creator?  After all, I would do that for my watch, or car, or motor home.  How silly of me to think my own life should be any different!  Am I too proud to seek out the one who knit me together in my mother’s womb?  Am I scared because I don’t think He could possibly love me?

Throughout my battle with cancer, He was always with me because I trusted Him. He led me through any discouragement or disappointment, and He strengthened me when I was weak.  My creator was always there, and He always will be near my side.  He knows everything about me. He knows everywhere I go.  He always wants what is best for me.  No matter what I go through, He will work it for my good.

The Bible says that He made all things.   His name is Jesus, and He not only does all these things for you, but He also died in your place. He became the sacrifice for all your wrong doings.   He can fix whatever is wrong in your life today if you just put your faith in Him.  Just like we take our most valuable possessions to the one who made them when they need to be repaired, so also can we go to Him when we need repairs.

All That I Need

Great Disgrace

What else can I do but be myself
I cannot just copy somebody else
I have to rely on what the Lord has given me

But I often I think this life is hard
I try to pretend that I am smart
And now I am falling hard and no one will rescue me

Help me to see the path that I have walked
Help me to learn the voice that leads me to the dark
Help me to leave my foolish pride behind admitting my mistakes
And humbly bow before your throne in great disgrace

Have mercy, Lord, on me
I bow down at your feet and humbly plea
I didn’t listen.  I wasn’t wise
I could not see the enemy’s eyes
Have mercy, precious Lord, on me

Now I know what to do with this mess
I come to you now and I confess
Greed and alluring talk of grandeur led me astray

I will walk out of my despair
I will come up and small the air
You shine a light along my path to show me the way

You help me see the path that I have walked
You help me learn the voice that led me to the dark
You help me leave my foolish pride behind and look on up ahead
There you await with open arms and calm my fear

Have mercy, Lord on me
I bow down at your feet and humbly plea
I will now listen.  I’ll open my eyes
I will turn to you to help me be wise
Have mercy, precious Lord, on me
His Great Love For Me

All For Me

He surrendered all in the garden
The garden of Gethsemane
Then He set His sights on the cross
On a hill called Calvary

After living a life filled with wonder
All the healing and deliverance
He now faced the death of a villain
In pain and agony for us

All for us, all for us
He did it all for us
Not a day goes by
I don’t wonder why
He would do this all for us

Covered with scars and blood He walked
Down a road of scorn and shame
He fell down from the weight of the cross
That would be His dying place


All the pain He took for me
The stripes He took for me
The shame He took for me
The cross He took for me (REPEAT)

He suffered to set me free
He died to set me free
He rose again for me
He lives forever for me
He’ll come again for me
All for me, all for me

All for me, all for me
He did it all for me
Not a day goes by
I don’t wonder why
He would do this all for me
Mercy is His Name

No Boundary

I can do anything when I am nothing
I have more power when I am weak
There is no boundary to what God can do through me
If I will just yield myself to His control

Many a time I have wondered out loud
Why I walk like I’m big and proud
I don’t know anything and I can do nothing
When I walk in my strength out of control

Giving my life to the Lord of my life
Is only a matter of what is right
He is the power and He is the strength
That carries me through every day

I do not know in my own self what is true
This world has lost its way to the truth
When I trust Him I know I will win
Because He is the way, the truth and the life.

Lord, give me strength to walk in my weakness
Lord, give me power to stand and be strong
Lord, take my life as a sweet-smelling sacrifice
Lord, I am yours.  Lord, I am yours.