Category Archives: Grace and Mercy

Great Mercy

Daniel 9:18 “We do not present our supplications before you because of our righteous deeds, but because of your greatest mercies.”

No matter what I do or say.  No matter who I help or don’t. No matter what righteous deeds I might accomplish, or how much I give, or what wonderful words I write, or what glorious songs I sing.  No matter how much I devote my life to the Lord, and turn my desire to Him.  No matter how much I put iniquity behind me and walk according to His word and His plan. No matter how much I pray for my church, my elected officials, the missionaries abroad, or my family.  None of these things are a reason for me to expect an answer from the Lord.  The only reason there is that will ever bring an answer from God is His mercy.  His great mercy.  mercy that is far above my thought process.

Now, don’t get me wrong. All of the things listed above are good, and I should strive to fulfill each and every one.  I should do righteous deeds and think righteous thoughts.  I should think of things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous and praiseworthy.  I should speak words that will minister grace to the hearer. I should pray without ceasing.  I should bear my brothers or sisters burden with them,  I should do good when I see that good needs to be done.  I should bring all my tithes into the storehouse. I should pray for and honor all those that are in authority over me, from my boss at work to the President of the United States.  I should put all my evil ways behind me.  I should walk in the liberty wherein Christ has set me free.  I should do these things.

But it is not these things that determine what His answer will be when I stand before Him.  he will always answer because of His mercy.  My deeds, thoughts, and actions will never be the reason He answers me.  His answer is based on what He did for me on that cross.  He was beaten and bruised, wounded and nailed to that tree.  He suffered more than I can possibly imagine.  I remember once, as a young boy of around 8, jumping out of my tree and having a nail go right  through my foot   All the way through.  I pulled my foot up and it came out,, and started bleeding.  My mom bandaged me up without a trip to the doctor, and it healed after a while   But it hurt – bad.   

But to be whipped with cat-o-nine tails laced with small stones would be much more than I could bear.  The small stones would rip the flesh open, over and over.  Then to have a crown of thorns pushed onto my scalp, digging into my head until blood started oozing out, would be the icing on the cake.  I would be ready to give up at that moment, never mind all that was still to come.  Carrying that cross uphill, in that weakened condition would be grueling. Then to have four nails, one in each foot and one in each hand, driven through my feet and hands, I cannot imagine.  And then to be lifted up on that cross, with those being the only  things that are holding me there, would be excruciating.   What Jesus went through is beyond my comprehension.  But even in that weakened, beaten condition, He cried out “Father forgive the, for they know not what they do.”  Great mercy, even on that cross.

I have done nothing compared to what He has done for me;.  I have given nothing compared to what he has given for me.  I have said, or written nothing compared to the words He has left in the Bible for me.  It is not, nor will it ever be, the things that come out of me that will bring me His answer.  It is His great mercy.  It is His great love. As the great song says:

“Mercy there was great and grace was free.

Pardon there was multiplied to me

There my burdened soul found liberty at Calvary

Let us do those things we should do, and give what we should, and say what we should.  Let us do all we can to live righteous lives before a holy God.  But may we never think it is these things that will bring an answer to our prayers.  God answers prayers for all types of people, even unbelievers.  He answers prayers for sinners and saints, rich and poor, just and unjust.  It is never because of what we do, but because of mercy that He answers.  That is why we must wait as long as he deems necessary for the answer to our prayers.  He owes us nothing. He has already paid it all. Anything more He gives us is completely and strictly because of His mercy.  That fact will never change.

Drink of My Grace

'Round about midnight the enemy came and he tried to entangle me
'Round about midnight the darkness if sin tried to hold on despite my plea
'Round about midnight i cried to me Lord to please come close to rescue me
Then I heard His voice
I heard His voice saying Son I have set you free

Free to dance on the mountains of hope
Free to drink of my grace 
Free to walk in the light and be bold
Free to drink of my grace
Free to enter my city of gold
Free to drink of my grace 
Free to let my mercy be known
Free to drink of my grace 

Now I am walking in light and not darkness, midnight has gone away
I called on the name of my Lord and my Savior and He brought the light of day
I will not be bound by sun any longer for He has shown me the way
When I called His name
When I called His name He said Son let me show you the way to be free

Free to dance on the mountains of old
Free to drink of my grace 
Free to walk in the light and be bold
Free to drink of my grace
Free to enter my city of gold
Free to drink of my grace 
Free to let my mercy be known
Free to drink of my grace 

I am free.  I am free
I am free.  I am free
I am free.  I am free 
Jesus has set me free
Jesus has set me free

Free to dance on the mountains of old
Free to drink of my grace 
Free to walk in the light and be bold
Free to drink of my grace
Free to enter my city of gold
Free to drink of my grace 
Free to let my mercy be known
Free to drink of my grace 
All That I Need

Lord, Help Me Please

If God's in control, why do I worry
If God's in control, why do I dread
If God's in control i must always remember 
That He's not done with me yet 

I look at my life and see all the struggles 
Daily they come at me from every side
Just when I think that I might go under 
He comes along and strengthens my life 

It seems that I think I can handle it all
My pride says that I just cannot fall
Then I see this world crash in around me
And I find myself falling down on my knees 
Shouting Lord, help me please

Help me to see your mercy and grace
Help me to see the love on your face
Help me to lift my hands up in praise
To the one who can all my struggles erase

Yes, God's in control of the wind and the waves
He's in control of the storm and the rain
When trials and troubles are all around me
The best place I can be is down on my knees
Shouting Lord help me please

He's not a God who will leave me alone
To muddle through trouble all on my own
He's full of compassion, patience and peace 
He'll always be there to comfort me
When I cry out Lord, help me please.

All is Your Mercy

All Is Your Mercy

Every heartbeat
Every breath
Every footstep
Every rest

Every sunrise
Every rain
Every sweet scent
Every day

All is your mercy, Lord.  Mercy for me
All is your mercy, Lord.  Holy and free
Without your mercy don’t know what I’d do
Thanks for your mercy Lord.  How I love you

All that I hear
All I can see
All that I taste
All I can feel


Mercy and grace so freely given
You gave your life on a cross just for me
All of my pardon from sins disease
You took it all, Lord, mercy so free


A Taste of Your Mercy

 You were mercy to me when I wandered
 Down the road of sin and despair
 I struggled just to survive a life
 That was desperately needing a prayer
 You were mercy to me when I looked up
 From the pit I was drowning in
 My heart barely knew how to cry out
 Yet you heard from the depth of my sin
 Then you saved me
 Reached out and held me
 Wrapped your arms around this soul of mine
 It was then you gave me
 A taste of your mercy
 I will forever praise your name
 You were mercy to me when I looked back
 And I longed for the ways of my past
 You showed me your way was much brighter
 You showed me your mercy will last
 Your mercy took my guilt. Your mercy took my shame.
 Your mercy took my scars. Your mercy took my pain.
 Your mercy took my sin and washed it all away
 Now your mercy gives me life eternally
 You saved me
 Reached out and held me
 Wrapped your arms around this soul of mine
 It was then you gave me
 A taste of your mercy
 I will forever praise your name
 I will forever praise your name
 The name of Jesus