Monthly Archives: May 2021

The Overcomer

Beautiful Lord

 The beauty of a sunrise or sunset 
 The fragrance of a lily or rose
 The voice of the waves and the rivers
 None can compare to you
 Beautiful Lord, fairer than all
 Merciful, patient and kind
 Giving your grace, love without end
 Beautiful Lord divine
 All of my heart I lift to you
 All of my worship, all of my praise
 All of my love and all that I am
 Lives to worship you

He Will Do This

 Will He clear me a path through the river?
 Will He calm the raging storm?
 Will He cast off my burden of sin?
 He will do this and so much more!
 Will He all of my diseases?
 Will He deliver me out of harms way? 
 Will He be my refuge and fortress?
 He will do this and more today
 He will do it today because He’s done it before
 He will be there for me when I’m losing the war
 He will bring victory in the midst of the storm
 He will do all of this and so much more
 Will He guide me through valleys of doubt?
 Will He light up the darkness in me?
 Will He wash me was white as snow?
 He will do this for you and for me
 He will shut lion’s mouths, open up prison doors
 He will part rivers wide, knock down the walls
 He will be in the furnace, He will be in the flood
 He will stop up the rain and then start it again
 He will die on a cross to take all your sin
 He will roll back the stone and rise again
  I will praise Him (Repeat 4 times)


 God of mercy.  God of grace
 Come and fill us in this place
 May we feel your warm embrace
 God of wisdom.  God of power
 Come and touch our hearts this hour
 May your love come overpower
 Fill me, Lord.  Fill me with your righteousness
 Fill me, Lord.  Fill me with your holiness
 Fill me, Lord.  How I know that I am blessed
 You have given all for me
 I will fall down on my knees
 Lift my hands and give you praise
One Wish

One Wish

 If I had one wish to wish, what would it be
 In this world that’s full of so much misery
 What could I say
 That would turn night to day
 What wish would bring light to the streets
 I could wish for joy that would fill every soul
 I could wish for peace that would calm every storm
 But is either enough
 To bring hope to us
 When our spirits are troubled and torn
 I think I would wish that Jesus
 Would calm every weary soul
 I think I would wish that Jesus
 Would make every spirit whole
 I think I would wish that Jesus
 Would take every sin away
 That He’d turn my night into day
 Then I realize He already did.  He already did.
 After all this consideration
 I can think of one wish for all nations
 That He’d open their eyes
 They’d look up to the skies
 Lifting praise in great adoration
 Jesus is our wish come true
 He died on the cross for you
 Then He rose to give eternal life
 Ask Him now to come live inside
 Then this wish for joy would come true
 This wish for peace would find you
 This wish would bring light and truth
 This wish would rescue you
 He’s not a wish, He is yours
 Open your heart to the Lord
 Let His spirit be your reward
 Ask Jesus to rescue your soul
it's Simple

It’s Simple

 It’s simple.  I just want to praise Him
 For all He has done for me
 To lift up my hands and worship
 Jesus Christ my Lord and King
 I’ll sing a grand hallelujah
 To the one who has set me free
 Then I’ll bow down before His throne
 To honor His majesty
 Holy, holy, holy is the Lord
 Holy, holy, holy is the Lord
 King of Kings and Lord of Lords
 Jesus Christ the one whom I adore
 Holy, holy, holy is the Lord