Tag Archives: Christian Poetry

Christian poetry inspired by the Holy Spirit

No Weapon

 I will keep on smiling in the midst of my troubles
 I will keep on dancing in the midst of my storms
 No weapon formed against me will prosper
 I will count my blessings when it seems all goes wrong
 There are days when it seems nothing goes right                            
 Bills and worries pile up all around
 It seems the enemy is gaining ground in my spirit
 I hear his voice, or I don’t hear a sound
 My prayer life fails me and my doubts seem to take hold
 I cannot find that sweet peace I once knew
 Out of the silence I can hear Jesus calling
 My child, I am right here with you
 I will keep on smiling in the midst of my troubles
 I will keep on dancing in the midst of my storms
 No weapon formed against me will prosper
 I will count my blessings when it seems all goes wrong
 The enemy comes and he tries to bring bondage
 He comes and he tries to cause harm
 But my God will turn all for His glory
 He’ll give joy in His sheltering arms
 He brings weakness, but God brings strength
 He brings worry, but my God brings faith
 He brings sickness, but my God brings health back
 He brings heartache, but my God repels his attack
 God brings power. God brings glory., God brings victory every time
 God brings honor. God brings freedom. God brings hope and eternal life
 I will keep on smiling in the midst of my troubles
 I will keep on dancing in the midst of my storms
 No weapon formed against me will prosper
 I will count my blessings when it seems all goes wrong
The Overcomer

Jesus Calls to You

 At any time, in any season
 For any cause, for any reason
 You’ll hear His voice if you will listen
 Jesus calls to you
 When you’ re up or when you’re weary
 When you’re sad or when your cheery
 When your glad or when you’re dreary
 Jesus calls to you
 In summer, winter, fall and spring
 His voice will tell you many things
 And only blessing it will bring
 Jesus calls to you
 It’s not a voice that’s loud and low
 But when you hear it you will know
 That you have purpose here below
 Jesus calls to you
 Please open up your ears today
 During work or during play
 He will guide you in His way
 Jesus calls to you

A Hard Day

 It's hard Lord, hard to understand 
 Is this in your will?  Is this in your plan?
 I feel overwhelmed.   I need your loving hand
 This day has been so hard
 Everything seemed just like it should be
 All I ever wanted seemed to flow to me 
 Then it's like a lightning bolt dropped me to my knees
 This day has been so hard
 Was I moving much too fast?
 I thought this was meant to last?
 Help me understand your will 
 Help me understand your ways
 Guide me through this lonely day
 This day has been so hard.
 Betrayed by a close friend you went to trial
 Beaten, bruised and scarred you reconciled
 Bound to a cross, you bled and died 
 That day for you was hard 
 But you did it for me 
 So that I could be free.
 Then you rise again
 To give life to me 
 Now I know that it's true 
 At the end of this trial there is you
 Restoring my soul 
 Making my whole again
 Giving me strength to win
 I am alive 
 I will survive
 Because this hard day
 Has come to pass  

Be Still and Know That I AM God

 Be still. 
 In the middle of the storm
 Be still.
 When your heart aches
 Be still
 When your mind doubt
 Be still
 When trials overtake you
 Be still
 When the enemy comes in like a flood
 Be still
 When you're afraid
 Be still
 When your body is aching and tired
 Be still
 Be still
 Listen for His voice
 Be still
 Hear Him whisper in your heart
 Be still
 The God of all creation knows what you're going through
 He knows where you struggle
 He knows where you hurt
 He desires that you be still
 And know that He is God

Call On Jesus

 When you wake up in the morning brew your coffee
 Have a muffin, or banana or some toast
 Make sure all the house around you is in order 
 Take a shower, brush your teeth and out the door
 Wait a minute, somethings missing in that sequence
 Something all of us should do to start our day
 There is nothing more important than this one small thing 
 Take some time down on your knees to pray
 Pray for children, pray for neighbors, pray for grandma
 Pray for friends that live both near and far away
 Pray for pastor and for mayor and for workers 
 Pray for everything you'll do throughout the day
 You see the secret to success is not your bankroll
 Not your wisdom, or your power or your fame
 It’s not a matter of the place you have climbed to
 Your success comes from the times you called His name
 The name of Jesus is the key to all your future
 The name of Jesus is your peace in every storm
 The name of Jesus is a joy you can hold onto 
 He’s a refuge and a strong and mighty tower
 So, when you find that you are rushed and running ragged
 And it seems you don't have time to even think 
 Take a break down on your knees to call on Jesus
 And you'll find you have more time to follow Him
 He's the way. The truth, the life and He's your answer 
 To the question of a day that seems too short
 Just a little time with Jesus in the morning 
 Will make the whole day better from the start