Tag Archives: direction

Mercy is His Name

What To Do?

I am having difficulty with what to post on this particular page. I want to update it more often, but hate to be redundant by posting the same things I put on my other sites. I am also pressed for time to write original posts. I am not even sure if anyone is still connected to this page. So, I am going to ask you, the reader, what you would like to see.

Here are some of the options. I could post my poetry, whi0ch is already posted on my Psalmist page (see the link in the menu). I would simply have to post different poems out of the 2,000 or so I have on file. These range from short poems written years ago for the Daily Prompts of the day, to songs and worship choruses. Some are free verse, while others rhyme in patterns. All are Christina in theme.

I could go back through and post Bible studies from various books of the Bible that I have done before, like James, Philippians, Psalms and so on. These can be found on the God’s Maintenance Man page linked in the menu. All are simply sharing my thoughts on what the scriptures say to me after over 4 decades of study and contemplation.

I could share personal stories, which have also been on this site before, or could take excerpts from my book and post them here in page order, so you can see the depth of study that went into the prayer book called “The A.S.K. Principal.” I could also post from the 150 or so songs I have recorded on YouTube. They are far from professionally done, but express my love for my Savior and what he has done for me.

I might be able to write some original content here, or could pick up the daily prompt again, but that might be short-lived because of time constraints. Then there are day to day happenings in my life which could be pout into something thoughtful. I could post once a week on the lessons I learned in that particular week, maybe on a specific day each week, or two times a week. It is all up in the air.

If there is anyone still out there looking at this page, please comment back to me what you like to read and I will do my best to post content that you will want to come back to. I am open to all suggestions. In the meantime, I will continue to post daily on my Psalmist and God’s Maintenance Man pages. If you are a visitor there, I thank you.

I pray that you have a blessed day today! Jesus loves you.

New Roads

I've been walking my own way way to long 
It seems that this comfort is where i belong
I dare not try to go a new way
But God is calling to step out in faith

I have to admit that I'm scared just a bit 
I've grown so accustomed to this life I live
He calls me to new roads that will take me far
Away from this life that I've traveled so far

Oh, God of wonder how can this be
That you would have plans for little old me
I'm noone special.  I have no degrees
Yet out of the darkness you gave called me

You've called me to walk by your side every day
To not be afraid of what might come my way
You've called me to step out to.places unknown 
To walk by your side as you make me your own

Oh God of wonder,  how can I be sure
That this is your voice.   That this is your word?
I've followed you more than half of my life 
And I've always tried to heed your advise 

But where you are calling me seems quite a stretch 
I think to myself that I'm not ready yet
Then I hear your voice and I know that it's you
Saying this is the plan that has waited for you

Oh God of wonder,  I will take heed
I will now walk wherever you lead 
It's only by faith I can do as I'm told
Only by faith can I walk this new road 

My God Will Rescue You

 Cry to the Lord with your prayers
 He hears you wherever you are
 Tell Him your plans and your dreams
 He’ll take you to the stars
 Do you need healing today?
 Is your body in sickness or pain?
 Cry out to Him and be healed
 He’ll cover you with His grace
 Do you need direction today?
 Do you seek to know His will?
 Cry out and ask Him to lead
 Then just be quiet and still.
 Do you need deliverance today?
 Does sin have a hold on you?
 Repent and turn from your way
 My God will rescue you
 Do you need understanding today
 For decisions that you may face?
 Trust that the Spirit will come
 With words of assurance and grace
 He hears every word you say
 He knows every trial and test
 Just wait on the Lord and be still
 Your prayers always bring His best.